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BeRobot Demo 年代新聞  2009/04/22
‧BeRobot show up in CTV Mar, 2009 中視新聞全球報導China Television
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‧BeRobot Show in 台視TTV 2009 0327
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‧FTV News Robot show in Kaohsiung 2007民視新聞高雄機器人展覽
‧BeRobot show up in Aug, 2008
‧Mini BeRobot Generation three stands at 9cm tall dances for the sorry sorry song
BeRobot KongFu
Sorry Sorry
BeRobot drill a new KongFu
年代 EraNews 200903261949
八大第一GTV 200903271214
BeRobot dancer
Michael Jackson Ending
Michael Jackson command it
‧Michael Jackson BeRobot Preview
It's very well made in taiwan
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